Non-profit organisations

 Today the Possehl Foundation sponsors more than 300 registered non-profit organisations that enrich the life of the community in Lübeck. Many of these organisations are sports clubs, which do important work with youth groups and represent important social hubs in the city boroughs. The Foundation also provides financial assistance to charities and other initiatives organising social projects for people in all kinds of different areas. So we also enable immigrants in Lübeck to gain access to the whole range of local educational offers, for instance.

Funding the work of Sonntagsdialoge e.V.

The association SonntagsDialoge e.V. provides support and advice on integration to refugees and immigrants in Lübeck. Its activities are impressive, practical and innovative.

*27 volunteer language mentors offer around 30 German language courses a week for all levels of proficiency at seven locations around Lübeck. Just recently the association was able to recruit five doctors with German as a first language to coach doctors and nurses trained abroad to prepare for the obligatory medical language exam. This is a vital part of the process of getting their qualifications recognised and being able to start work here.

* The association helps people acquire skills. The office team is also made up of volunteers who have arrived here recently. Experienced members help and coach them in organisational matters, documentation, accounting and more.

* The association hires out and repairs bicycles: The bike hire is also staffed largely by young immigrants. There is a workshop where they can learn to repair bicycles with professionals and also receive a bike of their own in exchange for helping out.

* The association cooperates with many other charities and organisations in Lübeck in order to expand its range of cultural and social activities.

Solidarity Action Day Movement in Europe (SAME)

The European youth network SAME is spreading the idea of a Solidarity Action Day throughout Europe. School pupils volunteer to do a day’s paid work and then donate their wages to support social projects. They not only support projects for young people of their own age in other countries, but also learn about social activism at the same time and set an example for an open and tolerant society. Over 300,000 young people from all over Europe now take part in a Social Day. SAME is based in Lübeck and is expanding its activities for more interaction and solidarity in Europe. Last year was dominated by a feeling of deprivation and abnegation, but also by increasing digitisation.


Possehl Foundation Lübeck

Beckergrube 38 – 52
D-23552 Lübeck
E-Mail: possehl-stiftung(at)
Tel.: +49 (0)451 148-200

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Our publications

More about the Foundation

Here you can find our annual reports, Emil Possehl’s will, our art catalogues and publications to mark the 100th jubilee of the foundation.


Emil's bequest

Our articles of association

The Foundation only supports non-profit and charitable causes and “promotes all that is good and beautiful in Lübeck”.