Possehl Prizes for Art

Since 2018, two new Possehl Prizes have brought contemporary artists into focus: The Possehl Prize for Lübeck Art was first awarded at that time, and since 2019, the foundation has been presenting the Possehl Prize for International Art every three years. In the years when the Possehl Prize for International Art is not awarded, the Possehl Prize for Lübeck Art is presented on a local level. The winners of both art prizes are chosen by the same jury, which is made up representatives of internationally renowned art galleries and museums.

International artists in Lübeck

With the Possehl Prize for International Art the Possehl Foundation recognises living artists with a national and international reputation for their life’s work or an outstanding piece or body of work. Inaugurated in 2019, it is awarded every three years. The jury selects a winner from twelve candidates proposed by an international panel of experts. In their deliberations the jury members are looking for exceptional artistic curiosity, dedication and a continuous achievement over at least a decade, which are deserving of particular recognition. The prize is awarded on the basis of nominations in the categories of sculpture, installation, new media and performance, as well as art intervention. Intermedial connections between diverse forms of artistic expression in the artist’s body of work are given particular weight by the jury. The award consists of €25,000 in prize money and an exhibition in Lübeck.

GUIDELINES "Possehl Prizes for Art" (German)

Matt Mullican: Possehl Prize for International Art 2022

The American artist Matt Mullican (born in 1951) is a leading representative of what is known as the Pictures Generation, a group of artists who explored the impact of mass media images on everyday perception in the mid-1970s and so declared them to be an established element of their approach to art-making. By awarding Matt Mullican the jury has acknowledged his life’s work, which continues to have a strong influence on younger generations of artists. continue

Doris Salcedo: Possehl Prize for International Art 2019

The Colombian artist Doris Salcedo (*1958) was awarded the first Possehl Prize for International Art in the Kunsthalle St. Annen at the opening ceremony for her exhibition there on 7 September 2019. In her objects, sculptures and site-specific installations, the internationally celebrated artist deals with the effects of violence and exclusion in her home country, Colombia, and other regions of the world. continue

New call for proposals for artists from Lübeck!

The Possehl Prize for Lübeck Art provides prize money of 8,000 euros for the realization of an artistic work. All artists living in Lübeck who have a proven center of work in Lübeck (studio, workshop, community workshop, etc.) can apply for the Possehl Prize for Lübeck Art with a project.

 Contact: Sylvia Teske-Schlaak, stiftung.emil@possehl.de, +49 (0)451 148219

The prize-winners

2023 - Sabine Egelhaaf

For the realization of her project idea "SAMMELSTELLE for a more sustainable future" the artist Sabine Egelhaaf (*1958) received the Possehl Prize for Lübeck Art 2023. read more

Heinke Both: Possehl Prize for Lübeck Art 2021

In 2021 the local prize went to the artist Heinke Both (*1964), who combines painting, drawing, collage and photography in her pictures and ... continue

Sebastian Schröder: Possehl Prize for Lübeck Art 2020

In June 2020 Sebastian Schröder (*1981) became the well-deserved winner of the second Possehl Prize for Lübeck Art. continue

Janine Gerber: Possehl Prize for Lübeck Art 2018

In May 2018 the jury members from internationally renowned art galleries and museums met to award the first Possehl Art Prizes. They chose Janine Gerber (*1974) as the first winner of the Possehl Prize for Lübeck Art. continue 


A meeting between two Possehl Prize winners: Max Schön, Chair of the Possehl Foundation, with Janine Gerber and Doris Salcedo (2019)


Possehl Foundation Lübeck

Beckergrube 38 – 52
D-23552 Lübeck
E-Mail: possehl-stiftung(at)possehl.de
Tel.: +49 (0)451 148-200

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Here you can find our annual reports, Emil Possehl’s will, our art catalogues and publications to mark the 100th jubilee of the foundation.


Emil's bequest

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The Foundation only supports non-profit and charitable causes and “promotes all that is good and beautiful in Lübeck”.